Tips For Keeping Your Kitchen Safe

Tips For Keeping Your Kitchen Safe

As a homeowner in Australia, you know how important it is to make sure your kitchen safe. Your kitchen is one of the busiest places in your home, with a constant stream of cooking and cleaning happening all the time. It’s also one of the most dangerous places, with sharp knives, hot surfaces, and dangerous chemicals all in close proximity. Luckily there are plenty of things you can do to improve the safety of your kitchen for everyone. In this post, we’ll share some tips for keeping your kitchen safe and secure, so you can enjoy your time in the kitchen without worrying about accidents or injuries, especially for kids or pets who are far more likely not to see an accident coming.

Keep Your Kitchen Clean

The first step in keeping your kitchen safe is to keep it clean. A clean kitchen is less likely to attract pests, and is also easier to navigate. Be sure to clean up spills and messes immediately, and sweep or vacuum the floor regularly. Wipe down countertops and appliances with a disinfectant cleaner, and wash your dishes and utensils regularly.

Organise Your Kitchen

Organising your kitchen is another key step in keeping it safe. Keep your knives and other sharp objects in a knife block or drawer, and store cleaning chemicals and other hazardous materials out of reach of children and pets. Make sure your pots, pans, and other cooking utensils are easily accessible, and that your appliances are kept in good working order.
Beautiful Green Kitchen Interior Design

Use Proper Kitchen Equipment

Using the right equipment can also help keep your kitchen safe. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher and smoke detector in your kitchen, and that they are in good working order. Use oven mitts or potholders to handle hot dishes and pots, and use cutting boards to protect your countertops and knives. Make sure your appliances are properly grounded, and that cords are not frayed or damaged.

Cook Safely

Cooking can be one of the most dangerous activities in your kitchen, but there are steps you can take to minimise the risks. Always use a timer when cooking, and never leave food unattended on the stove or in the oven. Turn pot handles inward to prevent accidental spills and also keep them out of the reach of kids, and use a splatter screen when frying or sautéing. Make sure your food is properly cooked before serving, and store leftovers promptly in the refrigerator. Whilst cooking techniques are beyond the scope of this article, it goes without saying that moving pots or pans that are hot or full of oil or liquids should always be done with great care.

Practice Safe Food Handling

Safe food handling is critical to keeping your kitchen safe. Wash your hands frequently when handling food, and make sure all surfaces and utensils are clean and sanitised. Keep raw meat separate from other foods, and use a meat thermometer to ensure that it is cooked to the correct temperature. Store perishable foods in the refrigerator, and discard any food (can you clarify which foods are being referenced here? that has been left out for more than two hours.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your kitchen is a safe and secure place for you and your family. If you have any questions about kitchen safety or need help with kitchen renovations, contact TradePro Installations. Our team of experts can help you design a safe and functional kitchen that meets your needs and budget.Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Tips to Plan Your Perfect Bathroom Renovation

Tips to Plan Your Perfect Bathroom Renovation

Planning a new bathroom is not always easy as there are many things you will have to factor into your idea for your dream design. There are definitely some pitfalls to avoid and some things that most people usually don’t think about. Luckily here at Tradepro, we have installed thousands of kitchens and renovated thousands of bathrooms so we have experts to help you with the process, but if you need a little help in the meantime here are some pointers to help you design your perfect bathroom whatever the space or budget.

Know Your Needs

This might sound obvious but just choosing elements and where to put them might not get you what you want. The differences between a spa style sanctuary, a guest bathroom and a family bathroom are huge, not just in how they function but also the budget. Don’t think about how you use your bathroom now, think about how you want to use it, in the future.

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Measure Up Your Space

Accurately measuring up is a great place to start. This will give you clear ideas on what you can and cannot do and will help you to avoid planning for something that won’t fit or isn’t practical. Factor in doors, door frames, window sills, walls etc. Leave space between each element and factor for more than one person. Bear in mind moving toilets etc will require more plumbing.

Choose a Layout

Once you have measured up you can finalise your desired layout before the design and finish comes in. This will help you with the first aspect of knowing how you want the room to function. A good layout is crucial to the whole success of the project and will make the biggest impact. Don’t change anything for the sake of it though, as mentioned earlier, extra plumbing means extra cost. Reversing a door could make all the difference to a layout and is easily overlooked.

Maximise your Space

This can be easily misinterpreted as filling every nook and cranny when actually we mean the opposite. Being realistic and not trying to cram too much in is important as this will make it less functional. Overfilling will make your bathroom seem small and change the feel completely. Allow space between all the elements.


Over filling your bathroom space as well as increasing the things that will generate steam and humidity will affect the ventilation. Think about your window and what that allows. If you’re adding a shower or bath then your airflow will need to be increased. Ceiling extractor fans will help hugely.

Ask The Experts

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Tradepro’s years of experience will be a massive help in designing your prefect bathroom renovation. We can save you a lot of time by setting you on the right path with not only ideas on planning, but budgets and the all important design and finish of your bathroom.

Tradepro can even assist you by showing a 3D panoramic design of your new bathroom.