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How to Choose The Perfect Bath for Your Bathroom

When renovating or remodelling your bathroom, changing the bath can be a big step, especially if you are moving its location. The bath is the centrepiece of most bathrooms and has a knock-on effect with everything else so let’s take a look.

Built-in v Freestanding

This is probably one of your biggest choices when it comes to choosing a bath.

Freestanding – Currently very in vogue, free-standing baths allow for more access to the bath so that’s great for families with kids, but they also require more space and mean that a larger area has to be tiled (if you are tiling). Smaller models of freestanding baths are available, but you really should factor in the space required.

Back-to-wall freestanding – Similar to above but with just one side fixed to the wall, perfect for smaller bathrooms.

Tile Flange – This is for freestanding baths with a shower attached by directing the shower spray back into the bath.

Island – This is obviously going to take most space and will really only work for a large bathroom where the bath has access all around. Can look great though.

Whichever you choose, it’s important to realise that it may change the plumbing layout and certain options may not be possible. Extra plumbing will also affect the cost so that should be factored in when you’re choosing.

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Style of Bath

As renovators, we always suggest people aim for what will support the mood and style they are trying to create. For instance, modern, bright simple bathrooms will be clinical and sleek, whereas fancy, busy and ornate bathrooms will create a mood of luxury etc. Matching your bath’s style to your toilet and basin is vital to help achieve the overall style you are after.


Baths aren’t all made the same. The style won’t dictate the materials, weight or even the finish whether it be matt or shiny. Try to consider these elements and how they fit into your overall aim. Most modern baths are made from the following materials though so this may help:

  • Acrylic People would call this plastic. Durable, great range of colours and cost-effective but prone to scratching and can look cheap.
  • Steel A traditional durable material that conducts heat so doesn’t retain temperature so well but is more scratch resistant. Commonly coated in enamel for a high gloss finish. Can be heavy.
  • Solid Surface – These can give a stone-like appearance, but they are actually composites of multiple materials. Coated with a clear gel that makes them hardened to scratching and bacteria resistant. Available in matt or gloss.


This will be largely based on the style but do test them and don’t be shy. Some slope more than others and most people have a preference. The width can also be a factor as well as how curved the floor of the bath is, so make sure you will be comfy in your new bath as surely that’s its main purpose and make sure you can get in and out easily!